Keylogger X - F.A.Q.
This page was constructed for developers to answer your frequently asked questions about Keylogger X software. If You can't find the answer to your question - feel free to ask it through this Contact Form.
Antiviruses and integraded protection centers
A number of security systems and antivirus software react on the installation of the new application (program) not having a digital signature certificated by Microsoft like it's a potentially danger application and the question - Agree it or not? is the core. The picture below shows the situation. The answer "Yes, I agree" adds the application to Trust list - the security system gets your positive signal and unblocks the stable software.
A lot of security software allows You to set the check-box "Remember this action" for a security system or an antivirus application (they are often cooperated) to stop asking You about such questions. Just add the process shown on the picture to Trust list and get stable logs.
The password I've entered while the spy module installation is lost from my brain. Logs I've got are passworded. How can I open the logs?
It's a pity, but the only way is to remember your password. Or You must forget about received logs and re-install the spy module with a new password that You have to remember or select the function of sending not passworded logs.
I have activated Keylogger software, but still cannot get log files. Please, solve the prob!
First of all, You need to test Keylogger and get log file in 24 hours after the spy module installation. And set your e-mail box to receive logs from server, because we have no any possibility to contact you.
Keylogger X spy module uninstallation process Video
How to remove Keylogger X
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