Download Keylogger NET4 XT

You can download Keylogger NET4XT information security system right from this page. Keylogger NET4 XT  is the Full-functional Free for 24-hours software version demonstrating its quality in all its beauty. You must get into Viewer up to 4 container log files with data collected by spy module for 24 hours. Then not-activated Keylogger stops spying and waits for activation for 5 days. You can activate Keylogger remotely. Keylogger activation information must reach You by E-mail in 30 minutes after the first installation. Please, type your E-mail address correctly to get logs!

And no need to wait 6 hours to activate the software! You can activate Keylogger and get logs into Viewer during the activated period.



Keylogger Net4 XT
Keylogger Net4XT

File size: 6,5 Мб  
Operation systems support:   
Windows XP, SP1, SP2, SP3  
Windows 2000, 2003, 2008  
Windows Vista, Windows 7  
Language: English  
Current version: 4.3.9  
ОЕМ Application  
download Keylogger NET4XT


The software needs free space on a disk:


- from 5 Mb to install the Client spy module

- from 12 Mb to install log files Viewer

- You choose a space for saving data logs containers.


Viewer application media type:


USB (version 2.0 is recommended)



You can pay activating Keylogger on a desired period by your credit or debit Card via Share-It system, by sending  short SMS messages (where available). Keylogger software can be activated through pay-terminals of OSMP, QIWI, Amega systems, Webmoney electronic transfer system. Learn more details about Keylogger activation methods.






buy keylogger Net4XT