Keylogger Lite

Keylogger Lite Activation

Activation price:  $3

You choose your best way on this page to activate Keylogger Lite software. After You pay for Keylogger Lite - You get your unique Activation Code to enter into Keylogger activation window and the software works in your system till it will be reinstalled.


The available activation methods: - credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB), Check prepayment through Share-iT system, - Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Check Card, EuroCard, MasterMoney), WebMoney in USD Only, AliPay in USD Only, Wire decal with invoice through Regnow system, - WebMoney in WMZ, WME, WMR (Classic, Light, Mini, Keeper Mobile, E-num, WM notes, social networks wallets, Webmoney pay-terminals, Webmoney cards, cheques, Internet bank) with auto-code generation, - Yandex.Money pay-system, - credit card, pay-terminals QiWi, OSMP, ESGP, Elecsnet, Handy-Bank through A1 MobiPlat system + PayPal and other systems.



Choose Keylogger Lite Activation method:


Bank Card payment

Activate Keylogger Lite by Credit card or Check through Share-it system. Just use This Link. Please, paste your Registration Code into "License to" field in the order form. If You get by e-mail a link to download the full keylogger version - remember that Keylogger has the only one version - Demo version = Full version, You don't need to download and install any new version.

Activating via Regnow


Purchase Keylogger Lite by Regnow system activating by Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Check Card, EuroCard, MasterMoney), WebMoney in USD Only, AliPay in USD Only, Wire decal with invoice - just use This link. Please, paste your Keylogger Registration Code in "Street address" field and send it also by E-mail.



Activating Keylogger Lite through Webmoney system, please, click the link below - in the new window choose your best currency - type or paste your Keylogger Registration Code (KLL with 10 digits) taken from Activation menu of the main software window - click the button and follow the instructions. On the done payment page click the button "Return to the seller" and copy your Activation Code, type it into Keylogger Lite software.


Webmoney software activation





Activate Keylogger Lite through Yandex.Money system - transfer 150 Rubles to 41001307838473 wallet number and send your Keylogger Lite Registration Code and E-mail in the Comment field. The software shall be activated during the payment day. Please, make payments without a protection code.