Keylogger Lite

Keylogger Lite - Software versions


This page lives for developers to publish the events influencing the Keylogger versions and all main step-by-step changes. If You wish to receive confirmations about Keylogger Lite events and changes made by the developers - You can order News Subscription or activate the option of news receiving inside your Member account of this site.


(02.11.2014) Keylogger Lite - version changes

Current version  4.10.44

- Keylogger's code was changed

- The software has the freshest compatibility with modern Windows OS

- New colors of all interface windows

- Keylogger system work stabitily is upgraded

- New Registration code: KLL-123-4567-890




(07.11.2010) Keylogger Lite - version changes

Current version

- Keylogger is totally compatible with all modern Windows OSes

- installation steps are updated according to new features

- new logging technology intruded

- Clipboard functional mechanism is updated

- increasing the security stealh mode

- Keylogger Lite Help file is updated


(04.09.2010) Keylogger Lite - version changes

Current version

- Keylogger is totally renewed

- now You can log Internet sites, search queries, keyboard keystrokes, clipboard

- easy save data to XLS и HTML file formats

- You can easily print Keylogger LogFile

- Internet sites and search queries filter is added

- feel free to add any log You wish to Favorites


(31.07.2010) Keylogger Lite - version changes

Current version

- Keylogger activation mechanism is changed


(28.06.2010) Keylogger Lite - version changes

Current version

- The output agent is integrated in KeyLogger

- Data transfer channels' parametrs are proprietorized


(17.06.2010) Keylogger Lite - version changes

Current version

- stable KeyLogger work in Windows Seven

- added the possibility for Windows Vista KeyLogger work

- plus different modernizations direct to ensure the stability and security of keylogger usage


(22.04.2010) Keylogger Lite - version changes

Current version

- now You can change  KeyLogger save path to LogFile out of system folders that stabilizes software work in cut versions of Windows 7


(06.03.2010) Keylogger Lite - version changes

Current version

- The KeyLogger keystroke keyboard typing language algorithm is improved and the encryption mechanism is upgraded


(22.02.2010) Keylogger Lite - version changes

Current version

- KeyLogger registration algoritm is improved

- Keylogger's passed additional Tests in Windows Seven OS


(10.10.2009) Keylogger Lite - version changes
Current version

- Keylogger installation files are divided on English and Russian

- Keylogger is tested inside OS Windows Se7en

(22.09.2009) Keylogger Lite - version changes
Current version
2.0  (

- added new regions with SMS-payment

- new points included in User Help file.


(06.05.2009) Keylogger Lite - version changes
version 1.9 (1.9.243)
Updates' processes corrections.


(21.03.2009) Keylogger Lite - version changes
Release version 1.5
Libraries compatibility corrections.

(13.01.2009) Keylogger Lite - version changes
Current version 1.2 Beta Release
Testing this version for stability, cross-platform development tests and libraries compatibility.

(14.12.2008) Keylogger Lite - version changes
Current version 1.1.5
Corrected errors inside the processing interact with external protection programs module, the interact with system resources of version 0.2.1 module work optimization.

(05.10.2008) Keylogger Lite - version changes
Current version 1.1.4
Corrections in the interact with system resources module work.

(17.09.2008) Keylogger Lite - version changes
Current version 1.1.3
Optimization of the interact with system resources module work. Revision of the efficiency with service packs for WinXP SP2/SP3. Tests.

(10.09.2008) Keylogger Lite - version changes
Current version 1.1.2
System resources software synchronization.

(29.08.2008) Keylogger Lite - version changes
Current version 1.1.0
Changes in the process of keyboard layout calculations, marks and symbols processing, disconnection of system correlations.

(18.07.2008) Keylogger Lite - Main Release version 1.0
compatible with OS Windows XP, SPxx, Vista 32/64, the key strokes interception and log file recording module, the structured events' LogFile with search inside function.