Important Users information
As part of a continuous improvement of our security business system, we will conduct a short maintenance next week. For this reason, there can only be limited availability of our systems on January 26 - February 1, 2012. Keyloggers can long the interval of receiving logs.
The new versions of acoustic monitoring software
Sonar series products are on their test stage. SONAR products are the software for acoustical monitoring and audio control for Windows-based personal computers.
The presents month
The gift-action is over.
CKM Systems gifts Keylogger software to any customer in December 2011. Selling conditions and discount prices are on the software in Action pages - Keylogger Lite V3 и Keylogger NET.
Corporate Mail Content Security control system pre-orders are welcome! Mail Content Security system is the unique information security solution for small and middle business.
Keylogger NET4 series released
Software releases Keylogger NET4 and NET4XT are the intermediate ones between simple versions and multi-user solutions. The main principle of this series software is the client - server encrypted data transfer into the protected application technology. The application is titled Viewer - LogFile for data collecting and keeping.
New keyboard spies X and XE series
New series of keyboard spies released. Multi-format data sending for any taste! The product works as the subscription service to a chosen period.
The New version of Keylogger Net Plus software is released. It helps to monitor a remote computer more extremely.
Keylogger Net till 3.4 to 3.5 Update program
All users of Keylogger Net and Keylogger NET Plus software can update them to modern versions. You can update the software by contacting Keylogger technical support department to re-register your client license and re-count the usage time period.
New version of Keylogger Net 3.5
New Keylogger NET 3.5 version is released. That's the system of personal computer information monitoring with the function of data sending to your personal e-mail address.
Keylogger NET new version agenda
Final tests of the new personal information security system entitled Keylogger NET v.4 are on the finish line. The fresh solution is built on the unique new generation platform with high productivity and high quality of Keylogger applications work.
Keylogger 3Box/5Box packs are not available anymore. All links are lost.
Keylogger LITE V3 new version is available for download. The new release is totally renewed and its functionality is more than 10 times better now! Keylogger LITE V3 is available for users of previous Keylogger Lite versions, but with some new features.
For Email sure arrivals and more comfortability
For Keylogger Net и Keylogger Net Plus users new changes are added to show unique message subjects reaching your email boxes with LogFile data. Now You will see the exact time of sending logs that's more progressive than the static Subject line.
Economizing must be effective
The new products Keylogger 3BOX and Keylogger 5BOX are released on July 2010. Each release consists of some package variants. The main characteristic of these products is the economical aspect - savings up to 25% on the package of Keylogger series programs purchase.
Share-it! International payment
Keylogger products are available through Share-it! international payment system.
Keylogger products Update
New versions of Keylogger Lite v.2.3.18, Keylogger Net v.3.4.17, Keylogger Net Plus v.3.3.12 are available. New versions have impowered processes of coordination with programs, no more troubles for KeyLoggers working inside OS Windows Vista x32, x64, Windows Seven.
International SMS payment method is temporary stopped
All international payments by SMS for products and services are stopped. Feel free to use another payment methods - PayPal and WebMoney electronic systems' services. All Russian Federation users still can use SMS payment method to activate KeyLogger products.
Clients' Technical support
On may 2010 the new system of clients' cooperation and work process control for technical support department is intruded. All users quieries shall proceed with more efficient energy in solving current topics that must do better all KeyLogger software products.
KeyLogger Lite version updates
The new updated version of KeyLogger Lite is released with the correct LogFile events' data encryption, the renewed keystroke keyboard typing language algorithm. All tested in Windows 7. Current version is You can download freshest KeyLogger Lite version right from this page.
Parental Control product line
The new line of parental control products plans for release on March 2010. Two versions of KeyLogger series programs - Parental Control Home Edition and Parental Control Smart Parents - are on their way to You. More details
KeyLogger Net and KeyLogger Net Plus
New keyloggers keystroke keyboard spy software versions are tested. Products sales shall start on March 1, 2010. KeyLogger Net software has 24-hours free full-functional trial period. KeyLogger Net Plus shall not have a trial version because of little differences in main functions - All, but the setting of any frequency of sending data from LogFile to E-mail address.
First Quarter of 2010 Software announce
Sonar Lite, Sonar Net, Sonar Net Plus acoustical control software programs from SONAR series by CKM Systems are planned to be released on March - April 2010. Main software modules are ready and are in the period of Beta-testing. The prior analysis shows that the declared SONAR software prices won't be corrected.
CKM Systems products of KeyLogger PRO series are in their test period. Keylogger Pro estimated release data is March - April 2010.
New line of "Parental Control" software products is released in third quarter of 2009
Our Company has released new program products for personal use - Keylogger and Sonar series. These programs are suitable first of all for "Parental Control" purposes and personal security acoustic control of apartments and work places.
These products are most competitive in the price/quality ratio among some other market representatives of the same software products area. The price for the cheapest version of Keylogger Lite is no more than 4 Euro for one clients' license. For comparison that's on 50-60% cheaper than concurrent products of other manufacturers. That's why our products have no concurrency in the price/quality ratio.
However we've optimized the development of software products thus that system resources usage in personal versions are nearly imperceptible and our tests of loads of operational system like Windows XP Home, XP Profesional, Vista showed minor correlations from <0.01% to <0,05% depending on active functions. So the visibility of such programs operation is lower and can really operate in "stelth" regime.
Our main attention was paid to that segment of software products because of the multi-asks of our dear users - parents who are worried of over-doze of "adult" sites and sites with the related content. Our programs will help You to fix these tasks to the full and do that maximum correctly and plain...
Q4 2009 Software announce
CKM Systems Sonar acoustic control software plans to be available for mass use in the middle of 4th quarter of 2009. The main program modules are ready and are in beta-testing process. By first market strategy plans Sonar software prices may not ne corrected.
KeyLogger versions updates and changes
KeyLogger Lite installation files are divided into two different language versions: English and Russian. You can choose your best preferable language version and download Keylogger Lite from the correct KeyLogger site page.